Valuation enquiry
We are always interested in hearing of good quality British and Continental paintings - please see this list for some of the artists of interest to us.
For a valuation, please fill out the form below and we will get back to you shortly or email nicholasfineart@gmail.com
Please see below for a list of some of the artists we are interested in purchasing. This is certainly not an exclusive list, so do get in touch with all enquiries.
A - B
Agar, Eileen
Allen, Harry Epworth
Armstrong, John
Bell, Vanessa
Birch, Samuel John
Bomberg, David
Brooker, William
Brown, Sir John Alfred Arnesby
Bussy, Simon
C - D
Carrington, Dora
Constable, John
Cotman, John Sell
Cotman artists
Crome, John & family
Daintrey, Adrian
Dunstan, Bernard
E - G
Fedden, Mary
Forbes, Stanhope
Fry, Roger
de Glehn, Wilfred
Gore, Spencer Frederick
Gowing, Sir Lawrence
Grant, Duncan
Gunn, Sir Herbert James
H - J
Hambling, Maggi
Hambling, Harry
Harvey, Harold
Hillier, Tristam
Hitchens, Ivon
Holloway, Edgar
Jameson, Frank
John, Augustus
John, Gwen
K - Q
Knight, Harold
Knight, Dame Laura
La Thangue, Henry Herbert
Lavery, Sir John
Le Bas, Edward
Lee-Hankey, William
Lear, Edward
Longueville, James
McEvoy, Ambrose
Moore, Henry
Morris, Sir Cedric
Munnings, Sir Alfred
Nash, John Northcote
Nash, Paul
Nevinson, C R W
Newcomb, Mary
Nicholson, Winifred
Nicholson, Sir William
Orpen, Sir William
Pasmore, victor
Piper, John
Pissarro, Lucien
Potter, Mary
R - S
Redpath, Anne
Rothenstein, Michael
Sargent, John Singer
Seago, Edward
Sharp, Dorothea
Sickert, Walter
Smith, Sir Matthew
Spear, Ruskin
Spencer, Gilbert
Spencer, Stanley
Stannard, Joseph & family
Stark, James
Stott, Edward
T - Z
Trevelyan, Julian
Tunnard, John
Vaughan, Keith
Wadsworth, Edward
Wood, Christopher